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Handley, N O v Michaelpoa [1913] ZATransvLawRpPD 83   flag 

(1913) 4 TPD 449
Transvaal Provincial Division Decisions
South Africa - Transvaal
31st July, 1913

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
National Bank of South Africa Ltd v Cohen's Trustee [1911] AD 235 circa 1911 29
Stern v Blond 1907 TH 16 South Africa - Transvaal circa 1907 flag 1
Rasavasagram v Siwandi (1906) 9 NLR 88 Sri Lanka circa 1906 flag 5
Trustees of Smookler v Golombick 1905 TH 221 South Africa - Transvaal circa 1905 flag 2
16 SC 573 16 SC 573 United Kingdom - Scotland circa 1911 flag 2
3 SC 217 3 SC 217 United Kingdom - Scotland flag 3
Kellar's Trustee v Edmeades 3 SC 26 United Kingdom - Scotland circa 1911 flag 1
Kellar*s Trustee v Edmeades 3 SC 25 United Kingdom - Scotland circa 1911 flag 2

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