Anderson v The International Union United Plant Guard Workers of America Upgwa Upgwa Upgwa
370 F3d 542
United States Court of Appeals, Sixth Circuit
United States
7 Jun 2004
Insurance Co of North America; Commercial Union Insurance Co; William H McGee & Co, Incorporated; Royal Insurance; Royal Insurance Co of America; Chubb & Son, Incorporated; Salvage Association; Underwriters AT Lloyd'S; London Assurance; Alliance Assurance Co, Ltd; Guardian Royal Exchange; Royal Exchange Assurance; Indemnity Mutual Marine Assurance Co; Indemnity Marine Assurance Co, Ltd; Sun Insurance Co of New York; Sun Insurance Office, Ltd; Marine Insurance Co, Ltd; Indemnity Marine; London Associated Corporation; Royal Associated Corporation; Royal Marine; Indemnity Mutual; Royal Exchange & London Offices; Union Bank of London; Dennis Standefer; the R/v Liberty Star, her master, officers, crew, and all persons aboard; Board of Trustees of Columbia University; Lamont-Doherty Geological Institute; S S George Law Partnership; Boston Salvage Consultants, Incorporated, Claimaints Columbus-America Discovery Group, Plaintiff-Appellant, and Trustees of Columbia University in the City of New York; Jack f Grimm; Joanne Lampe Charlton, Personal Representative of the Estate of Harry G John, Intervenors-Plaintiffs, v Atlantic Mutual Insurance Co; Commercial Union Assurance Co, Ltd; Royal Insurance Co, Ltd; Sun Alliance Group; Greof America Corporation; Superintendent of Insurance of New York, Claimants-Appellees, and the Unidentified Wrecked and Abandoned Sailing Vessel, its engines, tackle, apparel, appurtenances, cargo, etc , located within a box defined by the following coordinates: Northern Boundary--31 degrees 37 minutes North Latitude; Southern Boundary--31 degrees 33 minutes North Latitude; Western Boundary--77 degrees 2 minutes West Longitude, (believed to be the SS Central America), in rem, Defendant, the Insurance Co of North America; Commercial Union Insurance Co; William H McGee & Co, Incorporated; Royal Insurance; Royal Insurance Co of America; Chubb & Son, Inc
United States Court of Appeals, Fourth Circuit
United States
8 Feb 2000
Bogue Electric Manufacturing Co v Coconut Grove Bank
[1959] USCA5 446
United States Court of Appeals, Fifth Circuit
United States
9 Sep 1959
Bogue Electric Manufacturing Co v Coconut Grove Bank
269 F2d 1
United States Court of Appeals, Fifth Circuit
United States
15 Jul 1959