TD 2015/19 - Income tax: if a retiring partner is entitled to an amount representing their individual interest in the net income of the partnership for an income year, will section 92 of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1936 apply?
[2015] ATOTD TD2015/19
Australian Taxation Office
Australia - Commonwealth
circa 2015
TD 2015/19 - Income tax: if a retiring partner is entitled to an amount representing their individual interest in the net income of the partnership for an income year, will section 92 of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1936 apply?
[2015] ATOTD 19
Australian Taxation Office
Australia - Commonwealth
circa 2015
TR 1999/16 - Income tax: capital gains: goodwill of a business
[1999] ATOTR TR1999/16
Australian Taxation Office
Australia - Commonwealth
circa 1999
TR 1999/16 - Income tax: capital gains: goodwill of a business
[1999] ATOTR 16
Australian Taxation Office
Australia - Commonwealth
circa 1999
It 2551 - Income Tax : Sale of Interest in a Professional Partnership : Amounts Paid To Retiring Partners on Account of Work in Progress
[1989] ATOITR IT2551
Australian Taxation Office
Australia - Commonwealth
10 Aug 1989