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5 Eliz Dyer, 224 Fines, Dedimus, Potestatem, Prerogative 1 H 7, 9 Br Fines, 120, 124 Br Patents, 109 West's Symb In Fines f 4 b   flag 

[1220] EngR 566
United Kingdom

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
546 Dyer 177 546 Dyer 177 King's Bench United Kingdom flag 4
5 El Dyer 225 Debt le Roy, Prerogative, Taile Plow 321 a 3 Co 12 b 10 Co 56 a, 55 b 8 Co 171 10 Co 114 b, 115 a 11 Co 90 a Plow 315 Dyer 207 King's Bench United Kingdom WorldLII flag 4
145 Er 157 145 ER 157 United Kingdom CommonLII flag 5
26 Vaugh 2 26 Vaugh 2 Court of Common Pleas United Kingdom flag 4

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