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Caudrey's Case   flag  2

[1572] EngR 71; 77 ER 1; (1572-1616) 5 Co Rep 1
King's Bench
United Kingdom

Cases Referring to this Case

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
Lozevski v Goodman Fielder Consumer Foods Pty Ltd [2004] NSWIRComm 314; (2004) 144 IR 28 New South Wales Industrial Relations Commission Australia - New South Wales 27 Oct 2004 AustLII flag 5
Cassell v R [2000] HCA 8; (2000) 201 CLR 189; (2000) 169 ALR 439; (2000) 74 ALJR 535; (2000) 110 A Crim R 317; (2000) 21 Leg Rep C1 High Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 10 Feb 2000 AustLII flag 44
District of Columbia v Camden Iron Works 181 US 453; 45 L Ed 948; 21 SCt 680 United States Supreme Court United States 13 May 1901 WorldLII flag 6
Office of the Judge promoted by Sanders v Head [1843] EngR 549 United Kingdom circa 1843 CommonLII flag
Doe Ex Demise of William Patterson v Elisha Winn 30 US 233; 8 L Ed 108; 5 Pet 233 United States Supreme Court United States 1 Jan 1831 WorldLII flag 8
R v Sir Francis Burdett, Bart [1820] EngR 632 United Kingdom circa 1820 CommonLII flag
Pugh, et Uxor, versus Duke of Leeds [1777] EngR 65; 98 ER 1323; (1777) 2 Cowp 714 King's Bench United Kingdom circa 1777 CommonLII flag 15
Clayton's Case (1572-1616) 5 Co Rep 1 King's Bench United Kingdom circa 1572 WorldLII flag 12

Law Journal Articles Referring to this Case

Journal Article Title Citation(s) Author Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
"The Symbiosis of Secular and Spiritual Influences upon the Judiciary of the Anglican Church in New Zealand" [2004] ALRS 2 Cox, Australia circa 2004 AustLII flag
"He Symbiosis Of Secular And Spiritual Influences Upon The Judiciary Of The Anglican Church In New Zealand" (2004) 9 Deakin Law Review 147 Cox, Noel Australia circa 2004 AustLII flag
"FW: The Influence of the Common Law and the Decline of the Ecclesiastical Courts of the Church of England" [2002] ALRS 1 Cox, Noel Australia circa 2002 AustLII flag
"Conditional Gifts: Time for a review?" [2001] ALRS 1 Cox, Noel Australia circa 2001 AustLII flag
"Conditional Gifts and Freedom of Testation: Time for a Review?" (2001) 9 Waikato Law Review 24 Cox, Noel New Zealand circa 2001 NZLII flag 1

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
Vynior's Case [1572] EngR 466; 77 ER 597; (1572-1616) 8 Co Rep 81 King's Bench United Kingdom circa 1572 CommonLII flag 14
Packman's Case [1572] EngR 271; 6 Co Rep 18; 77 ER 281 King's Bench United Kingdom circa 1572 CommonLII flag 9
Michelborn's Case [1572] EngR 250; 77 ER 284; (1572-1616) 6 Co Rep 20 King's Bench United Kingdom circa 1572 CommonLII flag 3
Bellamy's Case [1572] EngR 37; 77 ER 309; (1572-1616) 6 Co Rep 38 King's Bench United Kingdom circa 1572 CommonLII flag 2
321 Palm 139 321 Palm 139; 2 Rolle 217 King's Bench United Kingdom flag 2
187 Hob 17 187 Hob 17 King's Bench United Kingdom flag 1
40 Dejure Rec419 40 DEJURE REC419 1
37 Het 19 37 Het 19 Court of Common Pleas United Kingdom flag 1
17 Hob 17 17 Hob 17 King's Bench United Kingdom flag 1
14 Hare 7 14 Hare 7 Court of Chancery United Kingdom flag 1
14 FNB 64 14 FNB 64 United Kingdom flag 1
9 Rolle 7 9 Rolle 7 King's Bench United Kingdom flag 1
9 Inst 647 9 Inst 647 Italy flag 1
8 Dyer 50 8 Dyer 50 King's Bench United Kingdom flag 4
5 Hob 295 5 Hob 295 King's Bench United Kingdom flag 1
5 Co Rep 8 5 Co Rep 8 King's Bench United Kingdom flag 4
De Jure Regis Ecclesiastic0 5 Co Rep 6 King's Bench United Kingdom flag 5
4 Inst 3 4 Inst 3 Italy flag 2
4 Ca 47 4 CA 47 1
4 Ca 29 4 CA 29 1
3 Inst 43 3 Inst 43 Italy flag 4
3 Bulst 100 3 Bulst 100 King's Bench United Kingdom flag 3
2 Rolle 451 2 Rolle 451 King's Bench United Kingdom flag 6
2 Rolle 224 2 Rolle 224 King's Bench United Kingdom flag 3
2 Rolle 22 2 Rolle 22 King's Bench United Kingdom flag 6
2 Leon 176 2 Leon 176 United Kingdom flag 1
2 Inst 96 2 Inst 96 Italy flag 5
2 Inst 20 2 Inst 20 Italy flag 7
1 Sid 46 1 Sid 46; 1 Vent 303 King's Bench United Kingdom flag 1
1 Poph 59 1 Poph 59 King's Bench United Kingdom flag 2

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