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Carpenter v Smith   flag 

[1702] EngR 17; 86 ER 515; [1702] Pollex 70
King's Bench
United Kingdom

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date Full Text †  Citation Index
King and Melling [1685] EngR 1984; 3 Keb 42; 84 ER 584; 214 Pollexfen 101; 2 Lev 58; 3 Salk 296; 225 Pollexf 104; 1 Vent 214 King's Bench United Kingdom circa 1984 CommonLII flag 28
Hanslop and Carter Assumpsit M 24 CAR 2; [1672-731] CA 168 Australia - Commonwealth flag 143
Castle and WiEly,hereafter, Trin 23 CAR 2 Australia - Commonwealth flag 727
14 CAR 2 Australia - Commonwealth flag 862

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