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Munch v Cockerell   flag  1

[1836] EngR 1041; 59 ER 88; (1836) 8 Sim 219
United Kingdom

Cases Referring to this Case

Case Name Citation(s) Court †  Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index
Between Harriet Elizabeth Munch, since deceased, Plaintiff; and Sir Charles Cockerell, Bart, since deceased, Henry Trail, since deceased, Archibald Frederick Paxton, Henry Paxton, and William Gill Paxton, Defendants [1839] EngR 20; 41 ER 338; (1839-41) 5 My & Cr 178 Court of Chancery United Kingdom circa 1839 CommonLII flag 4

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court †  Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index
Between Harriet Elizabeth Munch, since deceased, Plaintiff; and Sir Charles Cockerell, Bart, since deceased, Henry Trail, since deceased, Archibald Frederick Paxton, Henry Paxton, and William Gill Paxton, Defendants [1839] EngR 20; 41 ER 338; (1839-41) 5 My & Cr 178 Court of Chancery United Kingdom circa 1839 CommonLII flag 4
Followed, Smith v Chichesta 1842 2 Dr & War 4031 Court of Chancery Republic of Ireland flag 2
JVuTker v Spmds 3 Swanst 75 United Kingdom flag 5
Goodsmb v Ellisson 3 Russ 583 4
8 Sim 294 8 Sim 294 United Kingdom flag 1
433 SC 2 433 SC 2 United Kingdom - Scotland flag 9

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