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Godfrey Lessieur Abram A v Thomas Price   flag 

53 US 59; 13 L Ed 893
United States Supreme Court
United States
1st December, 1851

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
Carey Bagnell v George W Broderick 38 US 436; 10 L Ed 235; 13 Pet 436 United States Supreme Court United States 1 Jan 1839 WorldLII flag 28
Bailey, surviving Assignee of W Halliwell, a Bankrupt, v Culverwell, Brooks, and Carroll [1828] EngR 13; 8 B & C 448; 108 ER 1109 Kings Bench United Kingdom circa 1828 CommonLII flag 8
Wilcox v Jackson 38 US 498; 13 Pet 498; 10 L Ed 264; 9 Cranch 43; 6 Munf 234; 2 Wheat 196; 2 Dall 304 United States Supreme Court United States 17 Feb 1815 WorldLII flag 166
308 Idaho 267 308 Idaho 267 United States - Idaho flag 1
15 Wend 660 15 Wend 660 United States - New York flag 1
7 Port 432 7 Port 432 United States - Alabama flag 2
6 TR 320; 2 Pa 219 6 TR 320; 2 PA 219 United States flag 54
4 Pick 45; 7 Idaho 156 4 Pick 45; 7 Idaho 156 United States - Massachusetts flag 1
3 How 660 3 How 660 United Stated Supreme Court United States flag 1
Barry v Gamble 3 How 51 United Stated Supreme Court United States flag 1
Barry v Gamble 3 How 32 United Stated Supreme Court United States flag 5
2 Salk 168 2 Salk 168 King's Bench United Kingdom flag 1
Bagnell v Broderick 1 Pet 668; 13 Idaho 436 United States Supreme Court United States flag 5
1 Cranch 160 1 Cranch 160 United States flag 1

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