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Rouse and Meier, In re   flag  10

[1871] UKLawRpCP 15; 6 CP 212
Court of Common Pleas
United Kingdom
31st January, 1871

Cases Referring to this Case

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
Davis & Brown's Arbitration (No 2), In re [1957] VicRp 16; [1957] VR 127; [1957] ALR 264 Australia - Victoria 24 Sep 1956 AustLII flag 6
Freeman v Kempster, Re [1909] ArgusLawRp 92; [1909] VicLawRp 56; [1909] VLR 394; (1909) 15 ALR 444; 31 ALT 42 Argus Law Reports Australia - Victoria 30 Aug 1909 AustLII flag
J G Smith v Ludha Ghella Damodar [1892] Inbomhcchipat 3 Chitty & Patell 320 India - Maharashtra 12 Aug 1892 LIIofIndia flag
In Re an Intended Arbitration Between Smith & Service and Nelson & Sons [1890] UKLawRpKQB 131; (1890) 25 QBD 545 Queen's Bench United Kingdom 29 Jul 1890 CommonLII flag 17
In Re an Arbitration Between Mitchell & Izard and the Governor of Ceylon [1888] UKLawRpKQB 156; 21 QBD 408 Queen's Bench United Kingdom 7 Aug 1888 CommonLII flag
In Re an Arbitration Between Fraser & Co and Ehrensperger and Eckenstein [1883] UKLawRpKQB 298 United Kingdom 19 Dec 1883 CommonLII flag
In Re an Arbitration Between Fraser & Co and Ehrensperger and Eckenstein [1883] UKLawRpKQB 199; (1883-1884) 12 QBD 310 Queen's Bench United Kingdom 19 Dec 1883 CommonLII flag 2
"The Common Law Procedure Acts, 1853 and 1857" [1881] AUColLawMon 1 Pilcher, Charles E Australia circa 1881 AustLII flag
Piercy v Young [1879] UKLawRpCh 352; 14 Ch D 200 Court of Chancery United Kingdom 17 Dec 1879 CommonLII flag 22

Law Reform Reports Referring to this Case

Journal Article Title Citation(s) Author Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
- Patents, Trade Marks And Design Rights: Groundless Threats [2014] EWLC 346 Law Commission United Kingdom 1 Apr 2014 BAILII flag

Law Journal Articles Referring to this Case

Journal Article Title Citation(s) Author Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
"The Common Law Procedure Acts, 1853 and 1857" [1881] AUColLawMon 1 Pilcher, Charles E Australia circa 1881 AustLII flag

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
In the Matter of an Arbitration between John Grant Morris and Robert Morris [1856] EngR 12; (1856) 6 E & B 383; 119 ER 908; 25 LJQB 179; 25 LJQB 2G1 Queen's Bench United Kingdom circa 1856 CommonLII flag 5
Morgan v Tarte [1855] EngR 462; 156 ER 754; (1855) 11 Exch 82 Court of Exchequer United Kingdom circa 1855 CommonLII flag 4
Nichols v Roe [1834] EngR 965; 3 My & K 431; 40 ER 164 Court of Chancery United Kingdom circa 1834 CommonLII flag 9
Vynior's Case [1572] EngR 466; 77 ER 597; (1572-1616) 8 Co Rep 81 King's Bench United Kingdom circa 1572 CommonLII flag 14
38 LJCh 278 38 LJCh 278 Court of Chancery United Kingdom flag 1
8 LT 393 8 LT 393; 2 H & C 36; 32 LJEx 179; 11 WR 598 United Kingdom flag 8
6 Bing 443 6 Bing 443 Court of Common Pleas United Kingdom flag 2
5 Dowl 16 5 Dowl 16 United Kingdom flag 2
2 H & C 3g; 32 Ljex 179 2 H & C 3G; 32 LJEx 179 Court of Exchequer United Kingdom flag 1

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