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Sarendra Nath Banerjea v The Justice and the Judges of the High Court of Bengal (Bengal)   flag 

[1883] UKPC 43
Privy Council
United Kingdom
18th July, 1883

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
In the Matter of Laurence McDermott, v certain Orders of the Supreme Court of British Guiana [1866] EngR 180; 16 ER 258; (1866) 4 Moore PCCNS 110 Privy Council United Kingdom circa 1866 CommonLII flag 1
Eainy v The Justices of Sierra Leone 8 Moore PC 54 Privy Council United Kingdom flag 2
5 Moore PCCNS 497 5 Moore PCCNS 497 Privy Council United Kingdom flag 1
Roach v Garden 2 Atkyns 469 Court of Chancery United Kingdom flag 2

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