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Attorney-General (on Relation of Pickfords Ltd) v Great Northern Railway Co   flag 

[1916] UKHL 412
House of Lords
United Kingdom
21st July, 1916

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date Full Text †  Citation Index
Attorney-General (At Relation of Worcester Corpn) v Sharpness New Docks and Gloucester and Birmingham Navigation Co [1914] UKLawRpKQB 23; (1914) 3 KB 1 United Kingdom 30 Jan 1914 CommonLII flag 3
Macclesfield Corpn v Great Central Railway [1911] UKLawRpKQB 78; (1911) 2 KB 528 United Kingdom 6 Apr 1911 CommonLII flag 7
Hertfordshire County Council v Great Eastern Railway Co [1909] UKLawRpKQB 104; (1909) 2 KB 403 United Kingdom 22 May 1909 CommonLII flag 8
Attorney-General v Great Western Railway Co [1877] UKLawRpCh 7; (1876-1877) 4 Ch D 735 Court of Chancery United Kingdom 12 Jan 1877 CommonLII flag 1
R v Kerrison [1815] EngR 518; 3 M & S 526; 105 ER 708; 2 B & Ald 646 King's Bench United Kingdom - Scotland circa 1815 CommonLII flag 26
R v The Inhabitants of the Parts of Lindsey in the County of Loncoln [1811] EngR 412; 14 East 317; 104 ER 623 King's Bench United Kingdom circa 1811 CommonLII flag 21
R v The Inhabitants of The County of Kent [1811] EngR 116; 13 East 220; 104 ER 354 King's Bench United Kingdom circa 1811 CommonLII flag 18
54 SLR 412 54 SLR 412 Singapore - Singapore circa 1914 LexisNexis flag 1
Sharpness New Docks & c Co v Attorney-General [1915] AC 654 United Kingdom circa 1915 LexisNexis / Westlaw flag 12
Rex v Inhabitants of Ely 15 QB 827 United Kingdom circa 1914 LexisNexis / Westlaw flag 11
113 LT 835 113 LT 835 United Kingdom circa 1914 flag 1

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