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Bari Bahu, Mt v Kundan Singh   flag 

[1922] AllINRprNag 151
All India Reporter - Nagpur
8th September, 1922

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
Air 1921 PC 118 AIR 1921 PC 118 Privy Council India circa 1921 flag 1
[1921] Cal 109 [1921] Cal 109 United States - California circa 1921 flag 7
Raj Krishna Dey v Bipin Behari Dey (1912) 40 Cal 245 United States - California circa 1912 flag 9
(1910) 6 NLR 109 (1910) 6 NLR 109 Sri Lanka circa 1910 flag 1
25 CWN 265 25 CWN 265 India circa 1912 flag 1
Devidas v Ramlal 7 NLR 190 Sri Lanka circa 1912 flag 8
2 Uplr 166 2 UPLR 166 India - Uttar Pradesh circa 1912 flag 1

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