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Dwarka Prasad v Nasir Ahmad   flag 

[1923] AllINRprOudh 193
All India Reporter - Oudh
7th November, 1923

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
Air 1916 Pat 0 AIR 1916 Pat 0 India - Bihar circa 1916 flag 28
(1903) 30 Gal 539 (1903) 30 Gal 539 United States circa 1903 flag 14
Surendra Nath Guha and Bam Mohan (P G) and (1903) 30 Cal 539 United States - California circa 1903 flag 35
103 LT 421 103 LT 421 United Kingdom circa 1903 flag 1
31 Bom 165 31 Bom 165 India - Maharashtra circa 1903 flag 11
31 Bom 155 31 Bom 155 India - Maharashtra circa 1903 flag 1
14 Australian Law Journal 1236 14 Australian Law Journal 1236 Australian Law Journal Australia circa 1903 Legal Online flag 1
5 Bom LR 421 5 Bom LR 421 India - Maharashtra circa 1903 flag 3

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