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Lord v Procter   flag 

[1923] ArgusLawRp 73
Argus Law Reports
31st August, 1923

Legislation Cited

Legislation Name Provision
Conveyancing Act 1915 (Vic)
Conveyancing Act 1917 (Vic)
Licensing Act 1915 (Vic)

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
Maskell v Horner [1915] 3 KB 106; [1914-15] All ER 595; (1915) 84 LJKB 1752 United Kingdom circa 1915 LexisNexis / Westlaw flag 80
Sinclair v Brougham [1914] UKLawRpAC 8; [1914] AC 398; [1914-15] All ER 622 United Kingdom 12 Feb 1914 CommonLII flag 160
West v Gwynne [1911] UKLawRpCh 59; [1911] 2 Ch 1 Court of Chancery United Kingdom 10 May 1911 CommonLII flag 67
Andrew v Bridgman [1907] UKLawRpKQB 193; (1908) 1 KB 596 United Kingdom 13 Dec 1907 CommonLII flag 9
Andrew v Bridgman [1907] UKLawRpKQB 103; (1907) 2 KB 494 United Kingdom 29 May 1907 CommonLII flag 2
Held (applying Andrew v Bridgman (1907) 2 IVB 494 United Kingdom - Northern Ireland circa 1907 flag 1
Waite v Jennings [1906] UKLawRpKQB 57; (1906) 2 KB 11 United Kingdom 4 May 1906 CommonLII flag 9
Campbell v Oswald [1905] ArgusLawRp 116; (1905) 11 ALR 412 Argus Law Reports Australia 29 Sep 1905 AustLII flag 125
Kelly v R [1902] ArgusLawRp 29; [1902] VicLawRp 35; (1902) 27 VLR 522; 8 ALR 95; 23 ALT 214 Argus Law Reports Australia 8 Apr 1902 AustLII flag 9
Treloar v Bigge [1874] UKLawRpExch 18; LR 9 Exch 151; 43 LJEx 95 Court of Exchequer United Kingdom 24 Apr 1874 CommonLII flag 49
Atkinson v Denby (1862) 31 LJEx 362 Court of Exchequer United Kingdom circa 1862 flag 4
10 Ch D 387 10 Ch D 387 Court of Chancery United Kingdom LexisNexis / Westlaw flag 1

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