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Mathura Nath CHowdhury v Sreejukta Bageswari Rani   flag 

[1927] AllINRprCal 15; [1928] AIR Cal 57
All India Reporter - Calcutta
India - West Bengal
26th May, 1927

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
[1925] Cal 29 [1925] Cal 29 United States - California circa 1925 flag 1
[1924] Cal 1056 [1924] Cal 1056 United States - California circa 1924 flag 1
[1924] Mad 431 [1924] Mad 431 India circa 1924 flag 20
[1921] Cal 1056 [1921] Cal 1056 United States - California circa 1921 flag 1
(1918) 27 CLJ 528 (1918) 27 CLJ 528 circa 1918 2
Paterson v Gandasequi [1812] EngR 77; 15 East 62; 104 ER 768; 2 Sm LC 346 King's Bench United Kingdom circa 1812 CommonLII flag 29
27 CLJ 528 27 CLJ 528 3
17 Bom 341 17 Bom 341; [1924] Nag 94 India - Maharashtra flag 10

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