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Wall v R; Ex Parte King Won   flag  5

[1927] HCA 16; (1927) 39 CLR 266
High Court of Australia
Australia - Commonwealth
14th April, 1927

Cases Referring to this Case

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
Tricare Australia Ltd v Gold Coast City Council [1999] QCA 489 Supreme Court of Queensland - Court of Appeal Australia - Queensland 30 Nov 1999 AustLII flag 1
Cibc Wood Gundy Australia Ltd v Icl Australia Pty Ltd [1999] WASC 93 Supreme Court of Western Australia Australia - Western Australia 21 Jul 1999 AustLII flag 1
Aavelaid v Dental Board of Victoria [1999] VSC 54 Supreme Court of Victoria Australia - Victoria 11 Mar 1999 AustLII flag 7
In the Matter of Frank Norris: Norris, Frank v Manteit, Geoffrey William being the registered proprietor of Kenyons [1997] FCA 1149 Federal Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 10 Oct 1997 AustLII flag
Parole Board of the Northern Territory v Gamarrow (aka Gamarrawu) [1993] NTSC 83; 115 FLR 302; 70 A Crim R 189 Supreme Court of the Northern Territory Australia - Northern Territory 15 Oct 1993 AustLII flag 3

Legislation Cited

Legislation Name Provision
Northern Territory Acceptance Act 1910 (Cth)

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
Hoystead v Commissioner of Taxation [1926] AC 155; [1925] All ER 56; (1926) 42 TLR 207 United Kingdom circa 1926 LexisNexis / Westlaw flag 249
Ex parte Walsh and Johnson; In re Yates [1925] HCA 53; (1925) 37 CLR 36; [1926] ALR 46 High Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 18 Dec 1925 AustLII flag 259
Hoysted v FCT [1925] UKPCHCA 3; (1925) 37 CLR 290; (1925) 32 ALR 33 Privy Council Australia 17 Dec 1925 AustLII flag 68
Secretary of State for Home Affairs v O'Brien [1923] AC 603; [1923] 2 KB 361 United Kingdom circa 1923 LexisNexis / Westlaw flag 111
Ramachandra Rao v Ramachandra Rao (1922) LR 4 Ind Apps 129 India circa 1922 flag 1
Hook v Administrator General of Bengal (1921) LR 48 Ind Apps 187 India circa 1921 flag 4
R v Governor of Brixton Prison, Ex parte Servini [1913] UKLawRpKQB 184; [1914] 1 KB 77; 83 LJKB 212; 109 LT 986; 78 JP 47; 30 TLR 35 King's Bench United Kingdom 4 Nov 1913 CommonLII flag 14
R v Governor of Brixton Prison, Ex parte Stallmann [1912] UKLawRpKQB 126; (1912) 3 KB 424 United Kingdom 31 Jul 1912 CommonLII flag 8
Badar Bee v Habib Merican Noordin [1909] UKLawRpAC 38; [1909] AC 615 United Kingdom 20 Jul 1909 CommonLII flag 34
Re Governor of Hollouay Prison, Re Siletti (1902) 71 LJKB 935; (1902) 87 LT 332; (1902) 20 Cox CC 353; 67 JP 67 King's Bench United Kingdom circa 1902 flag 5
Sri Raja Rao Lakshmi Kantaiyammi v Sri Raja Inuganti Rajagopa Rao (1898) LR 25 Ind Apps 102 India circa 1898 flag 2
Maharaja Jagatit Singh v Rajah Sarabjit Singh (1891) LR 18 Ind Apps 176 India circa 1891 flag 1
Cox v Hakes [1890] UKLawRpAC 36; (1890) 15 AC 506 United Kingdom 5 Aug 1890 CommonLII flag 97
In Re Authers [1889] UKLawRpKQB 43; (1889) 22 QBD 345 United Kingdom 11 Mar 1889 CommonLII flag 9
Kali Krishna Tagore v Secretary of State for India2(1888) LR 15 Ind Apps 186 India circa 1888 flag 2
(1873) LR 5 PC 179 (1873) LR 5 PC 179 United Kingdom circa 1873 flag 18
William Spread,-Appellant; William Morgan ,-Respondents [1865] EngR 631; 11 HLCas 588; 11 ER 1461 House of Lords United Kingdom circa 1865 CommonLII flag 12
Ex parte Fernandez [1861] EngR 556; 10 CBNS 3; 142 ER 349; (1861) 30 LJCP 321 Court of Common Pleas United Kingdom circa 1861 CommonLII flag 40
In The Matter of William Henry Craven Allen [1860] EngR 1198; 121 ER 469; (1860) 3 E & E 338 Queen's Bench United Kingdom circa 1860 CommonLII flag 1
In the Matter of William Thompson, a Prisoner [1860] EngR 1186; 6 H & N 193; 158 ER 80 Court of Exchequer United Kingdom circa 1860 CommonLII flag 4
In the Matter of George Bailey In the Matter of John Collier [1854] EngR 449; 3 E & B 607; 118 ER 1269; 23 LJMC 128 Queen's Bench United Kingdom circa 1854 CommonLII flag 13
In re Baines [1840] EngR 1082; 41 ER 400; [1840] Cr & Ph 31 Court of Chancery United Kingdom circa 1840 CommonLII flag 1
Pickard v Sears [1837] EngR 195; 6 A & E 469; 112 ER 179 Queen's Bench United Kingdom circa 1837 CommonLII flag 118
Ex parte Watkins 28 US 193; 7 L Ed 650; 3 Pet 193 United States Supreme Court United States 1 Jan 1830 WorldLII flag 92
R v John Suddis [1801] EngR 145; 1 East 306; 102 ER 119 King's Bench United Kingdom circa 1801 CommonLII flag 22
Searches Case [1687] EngR 668; 1 Leon 70; 71 Carth 291 United Kingdom circa 1687 CommonLII flag 12
Hindes Case [1687] EngR 373; 74 ER 701; (1687) 4 Leon 21 United Kingdom circa 1687 CommonLII flag 2

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