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Dayaram Kunbi v Motiram   flag 

[1929] AllINRprNag 155
All India Reporter - Nagpur
25th September, 1929

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name †  Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index
[1923] Bom 403 [1923] Bom 403 India - Maharashtra circa 1923 flag 4
[1925] Lah 548 [1925] Lah 548 Pakistan circa 1925 flag 2
[1926] Nag 396 [1926] Nag 396 India - Maharashtra circa 1926 flag 3
Aganran v Olushi 1 NLR 66 Sri Lanka flag 5
Chitnavis v Nathu Sao [1925] Nag 2 India - Maharashtra circa 1925 flag 5
Ndihn v Balwai trao 27 Bom 390 India - Maharashtra flag 4
22 MLJ 207 22 MLJ 207 Malaysia LexisNexis flag 2

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