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F A Shihan v Abdul Alim Abed   flag 

[1930] AllINRprCal 314; [1930] AIR Cal 787
All India Reporter - Calcutta
India - West Bengal
12th June, 1930

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
(1966) 10 Moore Ind App 476 (1966) 10 Moore Ind App 476 India circa 1966 flag 6
[1929] PC 16 [1929] PC 16 United Kingdom circa 1929 flag 1
[1929] PC 147 [1929] PC 147 United Kingdom circa 1929 flag 9
Abdur Rahim v Mahomed Barkat'Ali 108 IC 361; [1928] PC 16 United Kingdom circa 1928 flag 20
[1927] PC 191 [1927] PC 191 United Kingdom circa 1927 flag 2
Chhajju Ram v Neki [1922] P 0 circa 1922 81
[1918] PC 189 [1918] PC 189 United Kingdom circa 1918 flag 1
(1896) 20 Bom 742 (1896) 20 Bom 742 India - Maharashtra circa 1896 flag 1
32 CWN 781 32 CWN 781 India circa 1928 flag 1
Zinnatunnessa Khatun v Girindra Nath 30 Cal 788 United States - California flag 6
22 Mad 270 22 Mad 270 India flag 9
14 LT 934 14 LT 934 United Kingdom flag 1

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