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People of the Philippine Islands v Salvador Makaraig Y Buenaseda   flag 

[1930] PHSC 111
Supreme Court of the Philippines
11th September, 1930

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
JJ (1925) 48 Phil 25 Philippines circa 1925 flag 2
(1918) 82 Tex Crim 495 (1918) 82 Tex Crim 495 United States - Texas circa 1918 flag 1
(1917) 36 Phil 539 (1917) 36 Phil 539 Philippines circa 1917 flag 1
Kentucky-- Marlow v Commonwealth 142 Ky 106 United States - Kentucy flag 3
United States v Gomez Jesus 31 Phil 218 Philippines flag 25
Mijia v Alimorong 4 Phil 572 Philippines flag 20

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