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Kalumal Tolaram v Ahmed Nur Mahomed   flag 

[1931] AllINRprSind 45
All India Reporter - Sind
10th April, 1931

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
Air 1928 Sind 175 AIR 1928 Sind 175 Pakistan circa 1928 flag 1
(1920) 55 IC 333 (1920) 55 IC 333 United Kingdom circa 1920 flag 1
[1918] 3 Patna Law Journal 516 [1918] 3 Patna Law Journal 516 Patna Law Journal India - Bihar circa 1918 flag 5
(1916) 10 SLR 53 (1916) 10 SLR 53 Singapore - Singapore circa 1916 LexisNexis flag 1
(1893) 20 Cal 418 (1893) 20 Cal 418 United States - California circa 1893 flag 1
(1888) 15 Cal 488 (1888) 15 Cal 488 United States - California circa 1888 flag 3
Heath v Pugh [1881] UKLawRpKQB 6; 6 QBD 345; 44 LT 327 United Kingdom 15 Jan 1881 CommonLII flag 33
Silberschildt v Schiott [1814] EngR 565; 3 Ves & B 45; 35 ER 396 Court of Chancery United Kingdom circa 1814 CommonLII flag 5
Elizabeth and Mary Casborne, Plaintiffs; Elizabeth Scarfe, and Alexander Inglis, Defendants [1737] EngR 22; (1737) 1 Atk 603; 26 ER 377; 2 Jac & W 194; 2 Eq Ab 728; 2 Vern 401 Court of Chancery United Kingdom circa 1737 CommonLII flag 47
530 SLR 130 530 SLR 130 Singapore - Singapore LexisNexis flag 1
5 Sim 384 5 Sim 384 United Kingdom flag 2

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