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Matching Cases: 2

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index † 
[1931] Mad 644 [1931] Mad 644 India circa 1931 flag 1
Deci "1 Has the plaintiff title to the suit site? ded on 21st March 1933, against decree 2 Has the plaintiff possession of the suit site of Sub-Judge, Ellore, in A S No 173 of within 12 years before the date of the suit ? and 1929 _ 3 Is the suit in time ? (a) Possession--Possession will be presum On issue 1 as to title, both the lower ed by person having title if property is not Courts have concurrently found that capable of actual or effective enjoyment by defendants 3 and 4, the plaintiff's ven taking produce If the plaintiff is entitled to immovable pro dors, are entitled to one-fourth share perty and possession thereof and the property and I have heard nothing from the ap sued for is such that actual or effective enjoy pellant's learned advocate how this can ment of it by taking produce is not possible, be attacked On the question of pos possession will be presumed to be with the per son who has the title India - Tamil Nadu circa 1931 flag 1

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