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Badiur Rahaman v Mokram Ali   flag 

[1932] AllINRprCal 276; [1932] AIR Cal 687
All India Reporter - Calcutta
India - West Bengal
26th February, 1932

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
[1914] Cal 614 [1914] Cal 614 United States - California circa 1914 flag 1
(1907) 34 Gal 150 (1907) 34 Gal 150 United States circa 1907 flag 9
(1898) 25 Cal 146 (1898) 25 Cal 146 United States - California circa 1898 flag 2
(1884) 8 Bom 615 (1884) 8 Bom 615 India - Maharashtra circa 1884 flag 8
46-4 Ohio Op 7 46-4 Ohio Op 7 United States - Ohio flag 2
35 Gal 221 35 Gal 221 United States flag 3
2 Gai 130 2 Gai 130 Italy flag 2

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