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(Pasumarthi) Subbaraya Sastri v Muhkamala Seetha Ramaswami   flag 

[1933] AllINRprMad 283; [1933] AIR Mad 664
All India Reporter - Madras
India - Tamil Nadu
21st March, 1933

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date Full Text †  Citation Index
Chhajju Ram v Neki [1922] UKPC 21; AIR 1922 PC 112 Privy Council India 27 Feb 1922 BAILII flag 23
Air 1926 Pat 0 AIR 1926 Pat 0 India - Bihar circa 1926 flag 6
[1924] Mad 98 [1924] Mad 98 India circa 1924 flag 12
54 Gal 333 54 Gal 333 United States flag 2
10 Lah 184 10 Lah 184 Pakistan flag 1
[1928] Lah 919 [1928] Lah 919 Pakistan circa 1928 flag 2
Air 1921 Cal 622 AIR 1921 Cal 622 India - West Bengal circa 1921 flag 4
33 Gal 23 33 Gal 23 United States circa 1922 flag 1

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