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Krishnabai v Parwatibai   flag 

[1936] AllINRprNag 110
All India Reporter - Nagpur
8th July, 1936

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
Arifi v Jadunath Mazumdar (A I R [1931] PC 79; 100 LJPC 129 United Kingdom circa 1931 flag 18
[1922] Bom 150 [1922] Bom 150 India - Maharashtra circa 1922 flag 3
Dina v Bishambhar Singh [1915] Nag 125 India - Maharashtra circa 1915 flag 6
131 IC 762 131 IC 762 United Kingdom circa 1915 flag 5
58 Cal 1235 58 Cal 1235 United States - California circa 1915 flag 10
46 Bom 213 46 Bom 213 India - Maharashtra flag 2
Varada Filial v Jeevaratnammal 43 Mad 244 India flag 26
Gangadhar v Parashram 29 Bom 300; 7 Bom LR 252 India - Maharashtra flag 13
2 P 583 2 P 583 6

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