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Krishnaji Ganuji Dhangar v Anusaya Bai w/o Sadasheo Dhangar   flag 

[1938] AllINRprNag 114
All India Reporter - Nagpur
23rd November, 1938

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
[1937] Bom 1131 [1937] Bom 1131 India - Maharashtra circa 1937 flag 1
Kala Chand Banerjee v Jagannath Marwari (1927) 14 AIR PC 108 Privy Council India circa 1927 flag 3
(1922) 9 Air Mad 835 (1922) 9 AIR Mad 835 India - Tamil Nadu circa 1922 flag 2
[1918] Bom 122 [1918] Bom 122 India - Maharashtra circa 1918 flag 2
(1902) 25 Mad 406 (1902) 25 Mad 406 India circa 1902 flag 5
43 Bom 662 43 Bom 662 India - Maharashtra circa 1927 flag 2
42 MLJ 426 42 MLJ 426 Malaysia circa 1927 LexisNexis flag 2
B), Ashutosh Sikdar v Behari Lai 42 Cal 72; 24 Intl Org 304-41 United States - California flag 27
25 Mad 4063 25 Mad 4063 India flag 2
11 Moore Ind App 517 11 Moore Ind App 517 India flag 6

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