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Seth Nandlal v Ramdatta Hiralal   flag 

[1940] AllINRprNag 63
All India Reporter - Nagpur
19th July, 1940

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
[1987] Bom 895 [1987] Bom 895 India - Maharashtra circa 1987 flag 1
[1938] Bom 529 [1938] Bom 529; 40 Bom LR 571 India - Maharashtra circa 1938 flag 2
[1938] Bom 121 [1938] Bom 121 India - Maharashtra circa 1938 flag 1
Air 1938 Bom 394 AIR 1938 Bom 394 India - Maharashtra circa 1938 flag 1
[1937] Bom 89563 [1937] Bom 89563 India - Maharashtra circa 1937 flag 1
[1936] P 0 [1936] P 0 circa 1936 12
Air 1931 Pat 357 AIR 1931 Pat 357 India - Bihar circa 1931 flag 1
Air 1923 Bom 33 AIR 1923 Bom 33 India - Maharashtra circa 1923 flag 3
Air 1919 Mad 656 AIR 1919 Mad 656 India - Tamil Nadu circa 1919 flag 2
134 IC 633 134 IC 633 United Kingdom flag 1
54 Bom 49538 54 Bom 49538 India - Maharashtra flag 1
47 Bom 2443 47 Bom 2443 India - Maharashtra flag 1
42 Mad 3192 42 Mad 3192 India flag 1
39 Bom LR 1287 39 Bom LR 1287 India - Maharashtra flag 1
24 Bom LR 509 24 Bom LR 509 India - Maharashtra flag 3

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