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Mt Zullekhabai d/o Haji Abdulla Mowledino v Mt Hajranbai w/o Haji Abdulla Mowledino   flag 

[1940] AllINRprSind 43
All India Reporter - Sind
8th November, 1939

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
[1936] Plaintiff 2 [1936] Plaintiff 2 Plaintiff Australia circa 1936 Informit flag 3
(1926) 13 Air Sind 181 (1926) 13 AIR Sind 181 Pakistan circa 1926 flag 1
(1923) 10 Air Bom 148 (1923) 10 AIR Bom 148 India - Maharashtra circa 1923 flag 2
G Yenkanna v G Narasimham,(1921)8 AIK 32 Bom LR 1013 India - Maharashtra circa 1921 flag 1
(1915) 2 Air Bom 151 (1915) 2 AIR Bom 151 India - Maharashtra circa 1915 flag 1
(1914) 1 Air Bom 59 (1914) 1 AIR Bom 59 India - Maharashtra circa 1914 flag 1
(1914) 16 Bom LR 224 (1914) 16 Bom LR 224 India - Maharashtra circa 1914 flag 3
Mt Pounohbai v Lekhraj (1909) 3 SLR 118 Singapore - Singapore circa 1909 LexisNexis flag 1
[1898] Stair Rep 143 [1898] Stair Rep 143 United Kingdom - Scotland circa 1898 flag 1
Gambhirmal v Hamirmal (1897) 21 Bom 747 India - Maharashtra circa 1897 flag 1
826 Air Bom 545 826 AIR Bom 545 India - Maharashtra flag 1
93 IC 321 93 IC 321 United Kingdom flag 1
54 Bom 83710 54 Bom 83710 India - Maharashtra flag 1
47 Bom 369 47 Bom 369 India - Maharashtra flag 1
44 Mad 9849 44 Mad 9849 India flag 1
38 Bom 449 38 Bom 449 India - Maharashtra flag 7
2 P 122 2 P 122 6

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