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Hazarimal s/o Chunnilal v Champalal s/o Durjansa   flag 

[1942] AllINRprNag 62; [1943] ILR Nag 272; [1943] AIR Nag 141
All India Reporter - Nagpur
India - Maharashtra
5th October, 1942

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court †  Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index
Chinery v Viall [1860] EngR 451; (1860) 5 H & N 288; 157 ER 1192; 29 LJEx 180 Court of Exchequer United Kingdom circa 1860 CommonLII flag 22
Joseph Somes ,-Plaintiffs in Error; The Directors of the British Empire Shipping Co,-Defendants in Error [1860] EngR 761; (1860) 8 HLCas 338; 11 ER 459 House of Lords United Kingdom circa 1860 CommonLII flag 22
Murtiiulnle v Smith 1 Gal & Dav 1 Queen's Bench United Kingdom flag 4
8 WR 629 8 WR 629 United Kingdom flag 1
[1915] PC 48 [1915] PC 48 United Kingdom circa 1915 flag 1
AKAS Jamal v Moola Datcood Sons and Co 8 LBR 343 Myanmar flag 1
32 Bom LR 64 32 Bom LR 64 India - Maharashtra flag 1
Bhimji N Dalai v Bombay Trust Abdul ' Corporation, Ltd AIR 1930 Bom 306 India - Maharashtra circa 1930 flag 2
143 QB 389 143 QB 389 United Kingdom circa 1930 LexisNexis / Westlaw flag 1
(1861) 30 LJQB 2291 (1861) 30 LJQB 2291 United Kingdom circa 1861 flag 1
31 IC 949 31 IC 949 United Kingdom circa 1930 flag 1
(1841) 1 QB 389 (1841) 1 QB 389 United Kingdom circa 1841 LexisNexis / Westlaw flag 12
(1861) 30 LJQB 229 (1861) 30 LJQB 229 United Kingdom circa 1861 flag 3
54 Bom 381 54 Bom 381 India - Maharashtra flag 1
8 WR 707 8 WR 707 United Kingdom flag 3

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