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Attorney General v Gunaratne - NLR - 553 of 43   flag 

[1942] LKHC 37
High Court of Sri Lanka
Sri Lanka
23rd October, 1942

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
(1942) 43 NLR 553 (1942) 43 NLR 553 Sri Lanka circa 1942 flag 1
Perumal v Arumugam (1939) 40 NLR 532 Sri Lanka circa 1939 flag 5
Evans v Dell (1937) 1A ER 349 United Kingdom circa 1937 CommonLII flag 1
(1936) 39 NLR 17 (1936) 39 NLR 17 Sri Lanka circa 1936 flag 2
R v Chapman [1931] 2 KB 606 United Kingdom circa 1931 LexisNexis / Westlaw flag 21
Attorney General v Rodriguesz - NLR - 65 of 19 [1916] LKCA 49; (1916) 19 NLR 65 Sri Lankan Court of Appeal Sri Lanka 16 Jun 1916 AsianLII flag 3
(1915) 18 NLR 184 (1915) 18 NLR 184 Sri Lanka circa 1915 flag 4
Betts v Armstead [1888] UKLawRpKQB 69; 20 QBD 771 United Kingdom 24 Apr 1888 CommonLII flag 13
R v Hicklin (1868) LR 3 QBD 360 Queen's Bench United Kingdom circa 1868 LexisNexis / Westlaw flag 3
Weerakoon v Ranhamy 23 NLR 33 Sri Lanka circa 1916 flag 14

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