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Prabbakar Jageshwar Joshi v Shankar Govindrao Joshi   flag 

[1943] AllINRprNag 90; [1944] ILR Nag 746; [1944] AIR Nag 231
All India Reporter - Nagpur
India - Maharashtra
7th October, 1943

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
[1937] Nag 217 [1937] Nag 217 India - Maharashtra circa 1937 flag 2
[1936] Bom 277 [1936] Bom 277 India - Maharashtra circa 1936 flag 3
[1935] Bom 158 [1935] Bom 158 India - Maharashtra circa 1935 flag 1
[1894] Awn 55 [1894] AWN 55 India - Uttar Pradesh circa 1894 flag 1
169 IC 110 169 IC 110 United Kingdom flag 1
164 IC 9 164 IC 9 United Kingdom flag 1
156 IC 752 156 IC 752 United Kingdom flag 1
78 IC 429 78 IC 429 United Kingdom flag 1
60 Bom 729 60 Bom 729 India - Maharashtra flag 1
59 Bom 345 59 Bom 345 India - Maharashtra flag 1
36 Cr LJ 1005 36 Cr LJ 1005 India flag 1
2 Australian Law Journal 202 2 Australian Law Journal 202 Australian Law Journal Australia Legal Online flag 1

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