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Murlidhar Narsingrao v Balmukund Jainarayan   flag 

[1945] AllINRprNag 124; [1946] ILR Nag 752; [1946] AIR Nag 313
All India Reporter - Nagpur
India - Maharashtra
22nd November, 1945

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
[1943] Nag 340 [1943] Nag 340 India - Maharashtra circa 1943 flag 4
Veluthandi Beerankutty v Ameth Mammu [1939] PC 80; 180 IC 378 United Kingdom circa 1939 flag 6
Air 1939 PC 80 AIR 1939 PC 80 Privy Council India circa 1939 flag 6
Air 1937 Cal 2366 AIR 1937 Cal 2366 India - West Bengal circa 1937 flag 1
Air 1937 Cal 236 AIR 1937 Cal 236 India - West Bengal circa 1937 flag 1
Air 1936 Cal 518 AIR 1936 Cal 518 India - West Bengal circa 1936 flag 1
Pisani v Attorney-General for Gibraltar [1874] UKLawRpPC 13; 5 PC 516; 30 LT 729; 5 PC 510; 536 Page 554 United Kingdom 23 Jun 1874 CommonLII flag 17
(1874) 30 LT 7293 (1874) 30 LT 7293 United Kingdom circa 1874 flag 1
214 IC 130 214 IC 130 United Kingdom flag 3
170 IC 767 170 IC 767 United Kingdom flag 1
167 IC 285 167 IC 285 United Kingdom flag 2
2 P 315 2 P 315 12

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