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Oscar Espuelas Y Mendoza v the People of the Philippines   flag 

[1951] PHSC 347
Supreme Court of the Philippines
17th December, 1951

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
Schenck v United States 249 US 47; 63 L Ed 470; 39 SCt 247 United States Supreme Court United States 3 Mar 1919 WorldLII flag 225
(1804) 29 St Tr 49 (1804) 29 St Tr 49 United Kingdom circa 1804 flag 3
[1704] St Tr 532 [1704] St Tr 532 United Kingdom circa 1704 flag 1
263 Fed 800 263 FED 800 circa 1919 1
263 Fed 789 263 FED 789 circa 1919 1
250 US 621 250 US 621 United States Supreme Court United States Westlaw flag 1
People v Most 64 NE 175; 171 NY 423; 58 LRA 509 United States circa 1919 flag 4
People v Nabong 57 Phil 455 Philippines flag 7
US vs Apurado 7 Phil 422 Philippines flag 20
Ambler and McMicking 2 Phil 392 Philippines flag 5
2 Phil 332 2 Phil 332 Philippines flag 5

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