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Monico Puentevella, JR , Carmen Gonzaga, Teofilo Gensoli, Luis Hervias, Antonio P Ciocon, Rosario Gensolin, Margarita Tulo, Dolores Tanpinco, Angeles Jardeleza, Dolores Estrologo, Tomas Jamile, and Benjamin a Ledesma, vfar Eastern Air Transport, Inc , Philippine Air Lines, Inc , and Commercial Air Lines, Inc Far Eastern Air Transport, Inc , and Philippine Air Lines, Inc   flag 

[1954] PHSC 86
Supreme Court of the Philippines
30th March, 1954

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
(1907) 153 Fed 547 (1907) 153 FED 547 circa 1907 1
(1853) 15 How 233; 14 l Ed 674 (1853) 15 How 233; 14 L Ed 674 United Stated Supreme Court United States circa 1853 LexisNexis flag 12
Mallow v Hinde 25 US 193; 12 Wheat 193; 6 L Ed 599 United States Supreme Court United States 20 Feb 1827 WorldLII flag 31
266 f 261 266 F 261 1
Garcia vs Reyes 17 Phil 127 Philippines flag 7

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