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Von Opel v Brownell   flag 

[1956] USCADC 574
United States Court of Appeals, District of Columbia Circuit
United States
13th December, 1956

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction †  Date Full Text Citation Index
Uebersee Finanz-Korporation, A G v McGrath 343 US 205; 96 L Ed 888; 72 SCt 618 United States Supreme Court United States 7 Apr 1952 WorldLII flag 13
Kaufman v Societe Internationale 343 US 156; 96 L Ed 2d 853; 96 L Ed 853; 72 SCt 611 United States Supreme Court United States 7 Apr 1952 WorldLII flag 26
Uebersee Finanz-Korporation Ag v McGrath 196 F2d 557; 89 USApp DC 167 United States Court of Appeals, District of Columbia Circuit United States 22 Jun 1951 WorldLII flag 3
Commissioner of Internal Revenue v Sunnen 333 US 591; 92 L Ed 898; 68 SCt 715; 68 SCt 719; 92 L Ed 2d 898 United States Supreme Court United States 5 Apr 1948 WorldLII flag 513
Clark v Uebersee Finanz-Korp 332 US 480; 92 L Ed 88; 68 SCt 174 United States Supreme Court United States 8 Dec 1947 WorldLII flag 68
Souffront v Compagnie des Sucreries de Porto Rico 217 US 475; 54 L Ed 846; 30 SCt 608 United States Supreme Court United States 16 May 1910 WorldLII flag 26
Lovejoy v Murray 70 US 1; 3 Wall 1; 18 L Ed 129 United States Supreme Court United States 1 Dec 1865 WorldLII flag 20
Uebersee Finanz-Korporation, AG v Markham 158 F2d 313; 81 USApp DC 284 United States Westlaw flag 5
Uebersee Finanz-Korporation v Brownell 133 FSupp 615 United States Westlaw flag 6
Buzard v Helvering 77 F2d 391; 64 App DC 268 United States Westlaw flag 4
Uebersee Finanz-Korporation, AG v Brownell 121 FSupp 420 United States Westlaw flag 3
Uebersee Finanz-Korporation, AG v Brownell 127 FSupp 42 United States Westlaw flag 4
Uebersee Finanz-Korporation v Clark, DC 82 FSupp 602 United States Westlaw flag 3

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