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Dimbula Valley (Ceylon) Tea Co Ltd v Laurie   flag  16

[1961] Ch 353; [1961] 1 All ER 769
Court of Chancery
United Kingdom

Cases Referring to this Case

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
ICM Investments Pty Ltd v San Miguel Corporation [No 2] [2013] VSC 528 Supreme Court of Victoria Australia - Victoria 7 Oct 2013 AustLII flag 5
Krecichwost v R [2012] NSWCCA 101; (2012) 88 ACSR 339 Supreme Court of New South Wales - Court of Criminal Appeal Australia - New South Wales 25 May 2012 AustLII flag 7
HNA Irish Nominees Ltd v Kinghorn (No 2) [2012] FCA 228; (2012) 290 ALR 372; (2012) 88 ACSR 427 Federal Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 15 Mar 2012 AustLII flag 23
TR 2012/5 - Income tax: section 254T of the Corporations Act 2001 and the assessment and franking of dividends paid from 28 June 2010 [2012] ATOTR TR2012/5 Australian Taxation Office Australia - Commonwealth circa 2012 AustLII flag
TR 2012/5 - Income tax: section 254T of the Corporations Act 2001 and the assessment and franking of dividends paid from 28 June 2010 [2012] ATOTR 5 Australian Taxation Office Australia - Commonwealth circa 2012 AustLII flag
FCT v Sun Alliance Investments Pty Ltd (In Liq) [2005] HCA 70; (2005) 225 CLR 488; 222 ALR 286; (2005) 60 ATR 560; 80 ALJR 202; [2005] ATC 4,955 High Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 17 Nov 2005 AustLII flag 53
Sun Alliance Investments Pty Ltd (in liq) v Commissioner of Taxation [2004] FCAFC 11; 134 FCR 102; 55 ATR 112 Federal Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 9 Mar 2004 AustLII flag 4
Re NRMA Ltd [2000] NSWSC 82; (2000) 156 FLR 349; (2000) 33 ACSR 595 Supreme Court of New South Wales Australia - New South Wales 24 Feb 2000 AustLII flag 230
Hancock Family Memorial Foundation Ltd v Porteous [2000] WASCA 29; (2000) 22 WAR 198; (2000) 156 FLR 249 Supreme Court of Western Australia - Court of Appeal Australia - Western Australia 17 Feb 2000 AustLII flag 44
Re Qbe Insurance Group Ltd; Qbe Insurance (International) Ltd; Western Underwriters Insurance Ltd; Sydney Reinsurance Co Ltd; Qbe Insurance Ltd and Nrma Insurance Ltd v Australian Securities Commission and William Peter Day [1992] FCA 477 Federal Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 23 Sep 1992 AustLII flag
It 2637 - Income Tax: Private Companies : Loans Or Advances Which Represent Distributions of Profits [1991] ATOITR IT2637 Australian Taxation Office Australia - Commonwealth 6 Jun 1991 AustLII flag
Co Takeovers: Report to the Minister of Justice by the Securities Commission [1988] NZSecCom 2 New Zealand 1 Oct 1988 NZLII flag
Cako v Cako [1977] VicRp 29; [1977] VR 245; (1977) 14 ALR 253; (1977) 29 FLR 208; (1977) 3 Fam LR 11 Australia 28 Feb 1977 AustLII flag
Marlow v Commissioner of Estate and Gift Duties, Suva [1984] FJLawRp 2 (1984) 29 FLR 117 Australia 27 Mar 1984 PacLII flag
[1981] Hkcfi 52 (5 May 1981) [1981] HKCFI 52 Hong Kong Court of First Instance Hong Kong 5 May 1981 HKLII flag
Industrial Equity Ltd v Blackburn [1977] HCA 59; (1977) 137 CLR 567; 17 ALR 575; 52 ALJR 89; 3 ACLR 89 High Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 15 Nov 1977 AustLII flag 132

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