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Mahjibhai Mohanbhai Barot v Patel Manibhai Gokalbhai   flag  2

[1964] INSC 289; 1965 3 SCR 436; AIR 1965 SC 1477
Supreme Court of India
11th December, 1964

Cases Referring to this Case

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
Bses Yamuna Power Ltd v Shyam Bihari Singhal - Efa(Os) 17/2013 [2013] INDLHC 4889 High Court of Delhi India 24 Sep 2013 LIIofIndia flag
Officer In Charge, Cid v Soris - SLR - 375, Vol 3 of 2006 [2005] LKSC 20; (2006) 3 Sri LR 375 Sri Lankan Supreme Court Sri Lanka 12 Oct 2005 AsianLII flag

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
Air 1962 MP 295 AIR 1962 MP 295 India - Madhya Pradesh circa 1962 flag 1
Air 1952 TC 40 AIR 1952 TC 40 India - Kerala circa 1952 flag 1
[1947] Nag 176 [1947] Nag 176 India - Maharashtra circa 1947 flag 1
[1943] Mad 411 [1943] Mad 411 India circa 1943 flag 3
[1939] Ilr 31 [1939] ILR 31 circa 1939 1
Amir Hasan v Saiyid Hasan [1935] ILR 57 circa 1935 5
Sundarji Shivji v Secretary of State for India [1934] ILR 13 circa 1934 2
Tan Soon Thye v L E DitBern, [1933] ILR 11 circa 1933 5
Co-operative Hindusthan Bank, Ltd v Surendranath De [1932] ILR 59 circa 1932 9
[1930] Ilr 6 [1930] ILR 6 circa 1930 1
Sadar Ali v Dalimuddin [1929] ILR 56 circa 1929 4
Pandurang v Jagya [1920] ILR 45 circa 1920 2
Chidambaranatha Thambiran v Nallasiva Mudaliar [1917] ILR 41 circa 1917 9
Secretary of State v Gnlam Rasul [1916] ILR 40 circa 1916 4
Chappan v Moidin [1898] ILR 22 circa 1898 6
Wafadar Khan v Queen- Empress [1894] ILR 21 circa 1894 4
Mahomed v Ganapati [1889] ILR 13 circa 1889 2
Lakhmi Chaud v Gatto Bai [1886] ILR 8 circa 1886 4
51 MLJ 161 51 MLJ 161 Malaysia circa 1917 LexisNexis flag 1
3 Mad 448 3 Mad 448; [1897] ILR 2 India flag 1

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