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Lanyon Pty Ltd v Canberra Washed Sand Pty Ltd   flag  8

[1966] HCA 76; (1966) 115 CLR 342; [1967] ALR 283; 40 ALJR 363
High Court of Australia
Australia - Commonwealth
29th November, 1966

Cases Referring to this Case

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
Paki v Attorney-General [2011] NZSCTrans 5 New Zealand 15 Mar 2011 NZLII flag
Gumana v Northern Territory [2005] FCA 50 Federal Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 7 Feb 2005 AustLII flag 32
Butcher v Lachlan Elder Realty Pty Ltd [2004] HCA 60; (2004) 218 CLR 592; (2004) 212 ALR 357; (2004) 79 ALJR 308; [2005] ANZ Conv R 65; [2004] ATPR 42-033 High Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 2 Dec 2004 AustLII flag 640
Antonio Pascale v Sutherland Shire Council [1995] NSWLEC 73 Land and Environment Court of New South Wales Australia - New South Wales 11 May 1995 AustLII flag
Environment Protection Authority v Eric Saunders [1994] NSWLEC 187 Land and Environment Court of New South Wales Australia - New South Wales 29 Nov 1994 AustLII flag

Law Journal Articles Referring to this Case

Journal Article Title Citation(s) Author Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
"Property Boundaries and Incidental Rights Attached to the Ownership of Land in Tasmania" (1990-1991) 10 University of Tasmania Law Review 256 Griggs, L D; Snell, R Australia - Tasmania circa 1991 AustLII flag
"Nationalization of Water Use Rights by the Australian States" (1975-1976) 9 University of Queensland Law Journal 1 Davis, PN Australia circa 1976 AustLII flag
"And hast thou slain the jabberwock?' The Law Relating to Demonstrations in the ACT" (1974-1975) 6 Federal Law Review 107 Brown, Roger Australia circa 1975 AustLII flag

Legislation Cited

Legislation Name Provision
Real Property Act (NSW)

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
Re White [1927] NSWStRp 6; (1927) 27 SR (NSW) 129; 44 WN (NSW) 38 Supreme Court of New South Wales Australia - New South Wales 22 Feb 1927 AustLII flag 4
Re Priddle [1916] NSWStRp 9; (1916) 16 SR (NSW) 54; 34 WN (NSW) 52 Supreme Court of New South Wales Australia - New South Wales 16 Mar 1916 AustLII flag 5
Maclaren v Attorney-General for Quebec [1914] UKLawRpAC 2; [1914] AC 258 United Kingdom 28 Jan 1914 CommonLII flag 6
City of London Land Tax Commissioners v Central London Railway Co [1913] UKLawRpAC 12; [1913] AC 364 United Kingdom 1 Apr 1913 CommonLII flag 8
Central London Railway Co v City of London Land Tax Commissioners [1911] UKLawRpCh 88; (1911) 2 Ch 467 Court of Chancery United Kingdom 23 Jul 1911 CommonLII flag 2
Williams v Booth [1910] HCA 12; (1910) 10 CLR 341 High Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 14 Apr 1910 AustLII flag 14
Assets Co Ltd v Mere Roihi [1905] UKLawRpAC 11; [1905] AC 176; 92 LT 397 United Kingdom 1 Mar 1905 CommonLII flag 401
Mary Lord,-Appellant; The Commissioners for the City of Sydney,-Respondents [1859] EngR 307; 12 Moore PC 473; 14 ER 991; (1859) 7 Moore 473 Privy Council United Kingdom circa 1859 CommonLII flag 41

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