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Commissioner of Income-Tax, Gujarat v Jayantilal Amratlal, Ahmedabad   flag 

[1967] INSC 149; 1967 3 SCR 946; AIR 1968 SC 189
Supreme Court of India
5th May, 1967

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
Commissioner of Income-Tax, Punjab, Jammu and Kashmir, and Himachal Pradesh VS S Raghbir Singh 57 ITR 408 4
Tulsidas Kilachand VS Commissioner of Income-Tax, Bombay City 42 ITR 1 5
Saunders v Commissioners Inland Revenue 37 Tax Cas 416 United Kingdom flag 1
Lorain Avenue Clinic v Commissioner 31 Tax Cas 141 United Kingdom flag 6
Chamberlain v CIR 25 Tax Cas 317 United Kingdom flag 8
21 Itr 135 21 ITR 135 1

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