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Amritsagar Gupta v Sudesh Behari Lal   flag  1

[1969] INSC 79; 1969 1 SCC 810; 1969 3 SCR 1002; AIR 1970 SC 5
Supreme Court of India
13th March, 1969

Cases Referring to this Case

Case Name †  Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index
Rajani Kanta DW v Purna Chandra Dwibedy - CVRVW [1997] INORHC 85 High Court of Orissa India - Orissa 12 Feb 1997 LIIofIndia flag

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name †  Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index
[1927] Ilr 2 [1927] ILR 2 circa 1927 1
[1941] Bom 682 [1941] Bom 682 India - Maharashtra circa 1941 flag 1
[1941] Ilrbom 682 [1941] ILRBom 682 India - Maharashtra circa 1941 flag 1
[1950] Or 140 [1950] OR 140 Canada circa 1950 flag 1
C] Lalchand v Sheogovind [1929] ILR 8 circa 1929 7
Electric and Dental Stores Lahoiev The Commissioner of Income-Tax [1931] ILR 12 circa 1931 2
Emperor v Ram Chandra Roy [1928] ILR 55 circa 1928 4
Venkatanarayana v Somaraju AIR 1937 Mad 610 India - Tamil Nadu circa 1937 flag 5

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