Salaried Staff (Ansett Airlines) Award 1972
[1980] CthArbRp 972; (1980) 236 CAR 661
Commonwealth Arbitration Reports
Australia - Commonwealth
22 Apr 1980
Salaried Staff (Ansett Airlines) Award 1972
[1976] CthArbRp 1576; (1976) 178 CAR 242
Commonwealth Arbitration Reports
Australia - Commonwealth
13 Jul 1976
Salaried Staff (Ansett Airlines) Award 1972
[1975] CthArbRp 957; (1975) 168 CAR 425
Commonwealth Arbitration Reports
Australia - Commonwealth
10 Jul 1975
Salaried Staff (Ansett Airlines) Award 1972; The Salaried Officers (TAA) Award 1971; The Salaried Staff (Qantas Airways Ltd) Award 1970; The Administrative Staff (Qantas Airways Ltd) Award 1974
[1975] CthArbRp 62; (1975) 164 CAR 416
Commonwealth Arbitration Reports
Australia - Commonwealth
22 Jan 1975
Salaried Staff (Ansett Airlines) Award 1972; The Salaried Officers (TAA) Award 1971; The Salaried Staff (Qantas Airways Ltd) Award 1970
[1974] CthArbRp 923; (1974) 158 CAR 290
Commonwealth Arbitration Reports
Australia - Commonwealth
18 Jun 1974