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Rafael Zulueta, v Pan American World Airways, Inc   flag 

[1973] PHSC 1
Supreme Court of the Philippines
8th January, 1973

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
Home Life Ins Co v Sipp (1926) 11 F2d 474 United States circa 1926 Westlaw flag 4
Merchants' Heat & Light Co v James B Clow & Sons 204 US 286; 51 L Ed 488; 27 SCt 285 United States Supreme Court United States 28 Jan 1907 WorldLII flag 26
227 Fed 321 227 FED 321 circa 1907 2
American Sheet & Tin Plate Co v Winzeler (DC) 227 F 321 3
216 US 620; 30 SCt 575; 54 l Ed 641 216 US 620; 30 SCt 575; 54 L Ed 641 United States Supreme Court United States Westlaw flag 2
O J Lewis Mercantile Co v Klepner 176 F 343 2
Rotea v Halili 109 Phil 495 Philippines flag 7
Araneta v Arreglado 104 Phil 529 Philippines flag 6
Strebel v Figueras 96 Phil 321 Philippines flag 10
Ginsburg v Pacific Mutual Life Ins Co 69 F2d 97 United States Westlaw flag 2
67 P 2 67 P 2 5
62 Phil 56 62 Phil 56 Philippines flag 2
Flores v Flores 48 Phil 288 Philippines flag 11
41 P 2 41 P 2 3
38 Harvard Law Review 744; 45 Yale Law Journal 416 38 Harvard Law Review 744; 45 Yale Law Journal 416 Harvard Law Review United States HeinOnline / LexisNexis flag 1
Kishore Lai v Sharut Chunder 8 Cal 2 United States - California flag 3
People vs Miller 2 Cal 2 United States - California flag 3

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