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Morse v Wilson   flag 

500 F2d 1264
United States Court of Appeals, Tenth Circuit
United States
22nd August, 1974

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
(1987) 28 USC 2254 (1987) 28 USC 2254; 517 NE2d 1094; 115 Ill Dec 408; 117 Ill2d 552 United States Code United States circa 1987 LII (Cornell) flag 7297
Mancusi v Stubbs 408 US 204; 33 L Ed 2d 293; 92 SCt 2308 United States Supreme Court United States 26 Jun 1972 WorldLII flag 120
Dutton v Evans 400 US 74; 27 L Ed 2d 213; 91 SCt 210; 91 L Ed 210 United States Supreme Court United States 15 Dec 1970 WorldLII flag 388
California v Green 399 US 149; 26 L Ed 2d 489; 90 SCt 1930; 26 L Ed 489 United States Supreme Court United States 23 Jun 1970 WorldLII flag 426
Barber v Page 79 US 19; 12 Wall 19; 20 L Ed 2d 255; 88 SCt 1318; 20 L Ed 255 United States Supreme Court United States 23 Apr 1968 WorldLII flag 96
Brookhart v Janis 384 US 1; 16 L Ed 2d 314; 86 SCt 1245 United States Supreme Court United States 18 Apr 1966 WorldLII flag 203
Pointer v Texas 380 US 400; 13 L Ed 2d 923; 85 SCt 1065 United States Supreme Court United States 5 Apr 1965 WorldLII flag 531
Henry v Mississippi 379 US 443; 13 L Ed 2d 408; 85 SCt 564 United States Supreme Court United States 1 Mar 1965 WorldLII flag 296
Fay v Noia 372 US 391; 9 L Ed 2d 837; 83 SCt 822 United States Supreme Court United States 18 Mar 1963 WorldLII flag 1360
Mattox v United States 156 US 237; 39 L Ed 409; 15 SCt 337; 39 L Ed 2d 409 United States Supreme Court United States 4 Feb 1895 WorldLII flag 200
[1870] Ussc 134; 390 US 719 390 US 719 United States Supreme Court United States circa 1870 WorldLII flag 35
Morse v People 501 P2d 1328 United States flag 1
452 P2d 3 452 P2d 3; 168 Colo 494 United States flag 1

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