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People of the Philippines v Enecito Villason, Maximo Villason, Antonio Caser, and Saturnino Ceruela, accused, Antonio Caser and Saturnino Ceruela   flag 

[1982] PHSC 348
Supreme Court of the Philippines
30th July, 1982

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
(1969) 27 Scra 450 (1969) 27 SCRA 450 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines circa 1969 flag 9
(1968) 23 Scra 74 (1968) 23 SCRA 74 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines circa 1968 flag 9
(1964) 12 Scra 402 (1964) 12 SCRA 402 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines circa 1964 flag 8
105 Scra 13 105 SCRA 13 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines flag 3
People v Pagaduan 29 SCRA 54 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines flag 16
People v Estrada 22 SCRA 111; 130 Phil 108 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines flag 30
People v De Gracia 18 SCRA 197 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines flag 30
People v Castro 11 SCRA 699 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines flag 21
People v Villanueva 5 SCRA 672 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines flag 13

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