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James Donohoe v Consolidated Coal Co Benefits Review Board   flag 

[1985] USCA6 242
United States Court of Appeals, Sixth Circuit
United States
21st February, 1985

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
(1985) 758 f2d 652 (1985) 758 F2d 652 United States circa 1985 Westlaw flag 28
Blevins v Director, Office of Workers' Compensation 683 F2d 141 United States Westlaw flag 3
Longshoreman's and Harbor Workers' Compensation Act 33 USC 921 United States Code United States LII (Cornell) flag 471
Longshore and Harbor Workers' Compensation Act ("Longshore Act") 30 USC 932 United States Code United States LII (Cornell) flag 239

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