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Meliton Gallardo and Teresa Villanueva v Honorable Intermediate Appellate Court, Marta Villanueva Vda De Agana, Visitacion Agana Kipping, Pedro v Agana, Marcelo v Agana, JR , Teresita Agana Santos and Jesus v Agana   flag 

[1987] PHSC 564
Supreme Court of the Philippines
29th October, 1987

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date Full Text †  Citation Index
JM Tuason & Co v Aguirre 117 Phil 110 Philippines flag 5
Land Tenure Administration 110 Phil 986 Philippines flag 7
Atun v Nunez 97 Phil 762 Philippines flag 11
Lands v CA (1983) 120 SCRA 370 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines circa 1983 flag 7
Couto v Cortes 8 Phil 459 Philippines flag 8
Manlapas v Llorente 48 Phil 298 Philippines flag 30
Guerrero v Miguel 10 Phil 52 Philippines flag 4
Marcelo Sotto v Pilar Teves 86 SCRA 155 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines flag 2
Bucton v Gabar 55 SCRA 499 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines flag 6
Umbay v Alecha 135 SCRA 427 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines flag 11
Sinaon v Sorongon 136 SCRA 407 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines flag 17
Esso Standard Eastern Inc v Alfonso Lim 123 SCRA 464 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines flag 3
Alarcon v Bidin 120 SCRA 390 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines flag 13

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