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No 87-2067   flag 

[1987] USCA4 2003
United States Court of Appeals, Fourth Circuit
United States
18th December, 1987

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction †  Date Full Text Citation Index
(1987) 836 f2d 548 (1987) 836 F2d 548 United States circa 1987 Westlaw flag 14
United States v Sharpe 470 US 675; 84 L Ed 2d 605; 105 SCt 1568 United States Supreme Court United States 20 Mar 1985 WorldLII flag 328
Thompson v Louisiana 469 US 17; 83 L Ed 2d 246; 105 SCt 409 United States Supreme Court United States 21 Jan 1985 WorldLII flag 21
Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments and (1979) 42 USC 1983; 669 FSupp 625 United States Code United States circa 1983 LII (Cornell) flag 15693
Mincey v Arizona 437 US 385; 57 L Ed 2d 290; 98 SCt 2408 United States Supreme Court United States 21 Jun 1978 WorldLII flag 340
Pierson v Ray 386 US 547; 18 L Ed 288; 18 L Ed 2d 288; 87 SCt 1213 United States Supreme Court United States 11 Apr 1967 WorldLII flag 804
United States v Brand 556 F2d 1312 United States circa 1983 Westlaw flag 35
Hanley v Volpe 48 FRD 387 United States circa 1983 flag 1

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