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Re Robert E Ansel Orvid R Cutler Jr Timothy E Bishop and George Pasternack   flag 

[1988] USCAFED 332
United States Court of Appeals, Federal Circuit
United States
23rd June, 1988

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
In re Kronig 539 F2d 1300; (1304) 190 USPQ 425 United States Westlaw flag 7
471 f2d 632 471 F2d 632 United States Westlaw flag 1
345 f2d 184 345 F2d 184; 52 CCPA 1355 United States Westlaw flag 2
176 Uspq 321 176 USPQ 321 United States flag 1
145 Uspq 467 145 USPQ 467 United States flag 2
Nichols (Fairchild) and Ackerman 35 USC 103; [1952] SEC 103; 370 FSupp 198 United States Code United States LII (Cornell) flag 628

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