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Nelles v Ontario   flag  24

[1989] 2 SCR 170
14th August, 1989

Cases Referring to this Case

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
Gabriel Pou v PC 2061 Mario Leal [2023] BZSC 40 Belize Supreme Court Belize 29 Mar 2023 CommonLII flag
Norman Anthony and David Chi v Commissioner of Police [2022] BZSC 108 Belize Supreme Court Belize 29 Dec 2022 CommonLII flag
David Greir Against the Chief Constable of Police Scotland and the Lord Advocate [2022] ScotCS CSIH_57 Scottish Court of Session United Kingdom - Scotland 20 Dec 2022 BAILII flag
David Grier Against Chief Constable, Police Scotland and David Grier Against the Lord Advocate [2022] ScotCS CSOH_2 Scottish Court of Session United Kingdom - Scotland 11 Jan 2022 BAILII flag
David Henry Grier Against the Lord Advocate [2021] ScotCS CSOH_18 Scottish Court of Session United Kingdom - Scotland 16 Feb 2021 BAILII flag
Whitehouse, Reclaiming Motions in the Causes (First) David John Whitehouse and (Second) Paul John Clark Against (First) the Chief Constable, Police Scotland and (Second) the Lord Advocate [2019] ScotCS CSIH_52 Scottish Court of Session United Kingdom - Scotland 30 Oct 2019 BAILII flag
Whitehouse, David John Whitehouse Against Philip Gormley QPM [2018] ScotCS CSOH_93 Scottish Court of Session United Kingdom - Scotland 6 Sep 2018 BAILII flag
Mazhar v Lord Chancellor [2017] EWHC 2536 (Fam); [2018] Fam 257; [2018] 2 WLR 1304 High Court of England and Wales United Kingdom - England and Wales 12 Oct 2017 BAILII flag 7
Mazhar v The Lord Chancellor [2017] EWFC 65 England and Wales Family Court United Kingdom - England and Wales 12 Oct 2017 BAILII flag
Currie v Clayton [2014] NZCA 511; [2015] 2 NZLR 195 Court of Appeal of New Zealand New Zealand 5 Nov 2014 NZLII flag 24
S v Van Der Westhuizen [2011] ZASCA 36; 2011 2 SACR 26 Supreme Court of Appeal of South Africa South Africa 28 Mar 2011 SAFLII flag 23
LM v Commissioner of An Garda Siochana [2011] IEHC 14 High Court of Ireland Republic of Ireland 20 Jan 2011 BAILII flag 7
D'Orta-Ekenaike v Victoria Legal Aid [2005] HCA 12; (2005) 223 CLR 1; (2005) 214 ALR 92; (2005) 79 ALJR 755; [2005] Aust Torts Reports 81-784 High Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 10 Mar 2005 AustLII flag 851
Doucet-Boudreau v Nova Scotia (Minister of Education) [2003] CSC 62; [2003] SCC 62; [2003] 3 SCR 3; [2003] SCJ No 63; (2003) 232 DLR (4th) 577 Supreme Court of Canada Canada 6 Nov 2003 Supreme Court of Canada flag 17
Krieger v Law Society of Alberta [2002] 3 SCR 372; [2002] SCC 65; [2002] SCJ No 45 Supreme Court of Canada Canada 10 Oct 2002 Supreme Court of Canada flag 20
Proulx v Quebec (Attorney General), Supreme Court of Canada [2001] SCC 66; [2001] 3 SCR 9 Supreme Court of Canada Canada 18 Oct 2001 Supreme Court of Canada flag 8
CanadianOxy Chemicals Ltd v Canada (Attorney General) [1999] 1 SCR 743 Supreme Court of Canada Canada 23 Apr 1999 Supreme Court of Canada flag 6
Sialaoa v Kamu [1996] WSSC 15 Supreme Court of Samoa Samoa 24 Dec 1996 PacLII flag
Hill v Church of Scientology of Toronto (1995) 126 DLR (4th) 129; (1995) 2 SCR 1130; (1995) 30 CRR (2d) 189; [1996] 3 CHRLD 335 Supreme Court of Canada Canada 20 Jul 1995 Supreme Court of Canada flag 99
Phillips v Nova Scotia (Commission of Inquiry into the Westray Mine Tragedy) [1995] 2 SCR 97 Supreme Court of Canada Canada 4 May 1995 Supreme Court of Canada flag 7
Dagenais v Canadian Broadcasting Corporation [1994] 3 SCR 835 Supreme Court of Canada Canada 8 Dec 1994 Supreme Court of Canada flag 69

Law Journal Articles Referring to this Case

Journal Article Title Citation(s) Author Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
"Tax authority immunity in a digital tax administration world" (2020) 18 (2) E-Journal of Tax Research 402 Bevacqua, John Australia circa 2020 AustLII flag
"A chilling account: North American and Australasian approaches to fears of over-defensive responses to taxpayer claims against tax officials" (2015) 13 E-Journal of Tax Research 262 Bevacqua, John Australia circa 2015 AustLII flag
Law of Malicious Prosecution: A Review of South African and Commonwealth Decisions [2013] PER 8 Potchefstroom Electronic Law Journal South Africa circa 2013 SAFLII flag

Legislation Cited

Legislation Name Provision

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
[1989] Docket 19598 [1989] Docket 19598 United States - Pennsylvania circa 1989 flag 1
Nelles v R in right of Ontario (1985) 51 OR 2d 513; 1 CPC (2d) 113; 16 CRR 320; 21 DLR (4th) 103 Canada - Ontario circa 1985 flag 1
German v Major (1985) 39 Alta LR (2d) 270 Canada - Alberta circa 1985 flag 1
Levesque v Picard (1985) 66 NBR2d 87 Canada - New Brunswick circa 1985 flag 1
Morier v Rivard [1985] 2 SCR 716 circa 1985 4
Bosada v Pinos (1984) 44 OR 2d 789 Canada - Ontario circa 1984 flag 1
"Damages as a Remedy for Infringement of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms" (1984) 62 Canadian Bar Review 517 Canadian Bar Review Canada circa 1984 flag 5
Curry v Dargie (1984) 28 CCLT 93 Canada circa 1984 flag 1
(1983) 41 Or 2d 472 (1983) 41 OR 2d 472 Canada - Ontario circa 1983 flag 1
"Prosecutorial Immunity: No Place for Absolutes," [1983] University of Illinois Law Review 977 University of Illinois Law Review United States circa 1983 HeinOnline / LexisNexis flag 1
Owsley v R in right of Ontario (1983) 34 CPC 96 Canada circa 1983 flag 1
Richman v McMurtry (1983) 41 OR 2d 559 Canada - Ontario circa 1983 flag 1
(1982) 16 CCC (3d) 97 (1982) 16 CCC (3d) 97 Canada circa 1982 flag 1
Unterreiner v Wilson (1982) 40 OR 2d 197 Canada - Ontario circa 1982 flag 1
Taylor v Kavanagh 640 F2d 450 United States Court of Appeals, Second Circuit United States 26 Jan 1981 WorldLII flag 31
King v Liquor Control Board of Ontario (1981) 33 OR 2d 816 Canada - Ontario circa 1981 flag 1
Marrero v City of Hialeah 625 F2d 499 United States Court of Appeals, Fifth Circuit United States 4 Aug 1980 WorldLII flag 71
"Delimiting the Scope of Prosecutorial Immunity from Section 1983 Damage Suits" (1977) 52 New York University Law Review 173 New York University Law Review United States circa 1977 HeinOnline / LexisNexis flag 3
R v Groves (1977) 37 CCC (2d) 429 Canada circa 1977 flag 1
Imbler v Pachtman 424 US 409; 44 USLW 4250; 47 L Ed 2d 128; 96 SCt 984 United States Supreme Court United States 2 Mar 1976 WorldLII flag 887
Riches v DPP [1973] 2 All ER 935; [1973] 1 WLR 1019 United Kingdom circa 1973 LexisNexis flag 153
Warne v Province of Nova Scotia (1969) 1 NSR (2d) 27 Canada - Nova Scotia circa 1969 flag 1
AC 4 396 Asoka Kumar David v Abdul Cader (1963) 3 All ER 579; [1963] 1 WLR 834 United Kingdom circa 1963 LexisNexis flag 15
Hester v MacDonald [1961] SC 370 United Kingdom - Scotland circa 1961 flag 8
Roncarelli v Duplessis [1959] SCR 121; (1959) 16 DLR (2d) 689 Supreme Court of Canada Canada circa 1959 flag 94
Boucher v R [1955] SCR 16; (1955) 110 CCC 263 Supreme Court of Canada Canada 9 Dec 1954 Supreme Court of Canada flag 40
Mitchell v John Heine & Son Ltd [1938] NSWStRp 33; (1938) 38 SR (NSW) 466; 55 WN (NSW) 160 Supreme Court of New South Wales Australia - New South Wales 23 Aug 1938 AustLII flag 66
R v Comptroller-General of Patents [1899] UKLawRpKQB 75; (1899) 1 QB 909 United Kingdom 13 Apr 1899 CommonLII flag 27
Re Van Gelder's Patent (1888) 6 RPC 22 circa 1888 5
Hicks v Faulkner (1878) 8 QBD 167; 51 LJQB 268 Queen's Bench United Kingdom circa 1878 LexisNexis / Westlaw flag 116
Bradley v Fisher 20 L Ed 646 United States Supreme Court United States 1 Dec 1871 WorldLII flag 317
Henly v Mayor of Lyme (1828) 5 Bing 91; 130 ER 995 Court of Common Pleas United Kingdom circa 1828 CommonLII flag 59
Mostyn v Fabrigas [1774] EngR 104; 98 ER 1021; (1774) 1 Cowp 161; 1 Sm LC 658 King's Bench United Kingdom circa 1774 CommonLII flag 66
Wilkinson v Ellis 484 FSupp 1072 United States circa 1977 Westlaw flag 11
Hilliard v Williams 465 F2d 1212 United States circa 1977 Westlaw flag 10
Rashkind v Marrero 450 US 913; 67 L Ed 2d 337; 101 SCt 1353 United States Supreme Court United States circa 1977 Westlaw flag 80
409 US 1029 409 US 1029; 34 L Ed 2d 323; 93 SCt 459 United States Supreme Court United States circa 1977 Westlaw flag 9
cert denied 339 US 949; 94 L Ed 1363; 70 SCt 803; 94 L Ed 2d 1363 United States Supreme Court United States circa 1977 Westlaw flag 146
Gregoire v Biddle 177 F2d 579 United States circa 1977 Westlaw flag 249
"Supplementing the Functional Test of Prosecutorial Immunity" 34 Stanford Law Review 487 Stanford Law Review United States HeinOnline / LexisNexis flag 4
Yaselli v Goff 12 F2d 396 United States Westlaw flag 87

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