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Union of India v Filip Tiago De Gama of Vedem Vasco De Gama   flag 

[1989] INSC 367; 1989 2 SCR Supl 336; 1989 4 JT 529
Supreme Court of India
30th November, 1989

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
Union of India & Anr v Raghubir Singh [1989] INSC 192; (1989) 2 SCC 754; 1989 1 SCALE 1337; 1989 2 JT 427; 1989 3 SCR 316; AIR 1989 SC 1933 Supreme Court of India India 16 May 1989 LIIofIndia flag 88
277 JT 1989 277 JT 1989 circa 1989 2
Air 1987 Bom 214 AIR 1987 Bom 214 India - Maharashtra circa 1987 flag 5
Punjab v Mohinder Singh [1986] 1 SCC 365 circa 1986 6
Bhag Singh v Union Territory of Chandigarh, Through the Land Acquisition [1985] INSC 176; (1985) 3 SCC 737; 1985 2 SCALE 246; 1985 2 SCR Supl 949; AIR 1985 SC 1576 Supreme Court of India India 14 Aug 1985 LIIofIndia flag 19
K Kamala Jammanniavaru v the Special Land Acquisition Officer [1985] INSC 24; 1985 1 SCALE 283; 1985 1 SCC 582; 1985 2 SCR 914; AIR 1985 SC 576 Supreme Court of India India 14 Feb 1985 LIIofIndia flag 9
Mahadeolal Kanodia v the Administrator-General of West Bengal [1960] INSC 82; [1960] 3 SCR 578; AIR 1960 SC 936; 66 CWN 338 Supreme Court of India India 20 Apr 1960 LIIofIndia flag 17
Mahadeolal Kanodia v The Administrator General of West Bengal [1960] 3 SCR 5/8 circa 1960 1
Towne v Eisner 245 US 425; 245 US 418; 62 L Ed 372; 38 SCt 158 United States Supreme Court United States 7 Jan 1918 WorldLII flag 119
Lenigh Valley Coal Co v Yensavage 218 FR 547 circa 1985 28
18 FR 547 18 FR 547 circa 1985 1

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