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Ucc v Herrick   flag 

874 F2d 594
United States Court of Appeals, Eighth Circuit
United States
17th May, 1989

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court †  Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index
Kreager v Blomstrom Oil Co 379 NW2d 307 United States flag 1
Peterson v Safway Steel Scaffolds Co 400 NW2d 909 United States flag 4
Durham v CIBA-Geigy Corporation 315 NW2d 696 United States flag 2
Schmaltz v Nissen 431 NW2d 657 United States flag 2
Johnson v John Deere Co 306 NW2d 231 United States flag 3
Zacher v Budd Co 396 NW2d 122 United States flag 4
Smith v Smith 278 NW2d 155 United States flag 3
Crandell v Larkin & Jones Appliance Co 334 NW2d 31 United States flag 3
Hanson v Funk Seeds Int'l 373 NW2d 30 United States flag 5

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